My standard fee is $125.00 per 60 minute session.
If you would like to schedule an initial appointment with me please forward the standard session fee via Credit/Debit Card, Venmo or Apple Pay through the “Initial Session Fee” and “Cart” sections of this site. If your insurance plan eventually covers part or all of the session fee I will refund the balance to you promptly.
I am an in-plan provider for the following health insurance plans and qualify as an out-of-plan provider for several more.
Educators Mutual Insurance (EMI)
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Utah
University of Utah Health Plans (out of network)
Regence Blue Cross (western states)
Traditional Medicare and Supplemental Policies
Deseret Mutual Benefit Association (DMBA)
If you would prefer to submit your own insurance claim, I will provide a receipt for services including treatment code(s), diagnostic code, and provider identification that you may present to your insurer for reimbursement. Please contact me for further details or refer to the section of this site titled "Service Agreement and Consent to Treatment."
I do not have a sliding fee scale.
Please note :
If you have a health insurance policy, it will usually provide some coverage for mental health treatment. I can help you receive the benefits to which you are entitled, however you, not your insurance company , are responsible for full payment of my fees. It is important that you find out exactly what mental health services your insurance policy covers.
If I am not on your insurance company's "preferred provider panel" you may be able to partially finance your work with me as an “out of plan provider” through your current insurance plan. Please check carefully with your insurer before assuming this may be true. I will provide you with the documentation your plan may require if you are covered for treatment by an “out-of-plan” or “out-of-network” mental health provider.
You should also be aware that most insurance companies require you to authorize me to provide them with a clinical diagnosis and with a specific plan of treatment. Sometimes I have to provide additional clinical information such as treatment summaries, or (in rare cases) copies of the entire clinical record. This information will become part of the insurance company’s records and will probably be stored electronically. Though all insurance companies claim to keep such information confidential, I have no control over what they do with it. In some cases, they may share the information with a national medical information database, and in others with your employer or with the sponsors of your HMO or health plan. I will notify you before I submit any information about you to your insurance carrier or health plan and I will require you to sign a Release of Protected Health Information form.
Also please note :
Due to the complex nature of legal involvement, my fee is $200.00 - $250.00 per hour, or fraction thereof, for any work that is associated with you that is required of me by legal counsel and/or the civil or criminal justice systems, whether or not the work is requested of me by you or by any other party involved in legal or judicial action in which you are involved.